Secondary School Pascual Carrión(Sax) started to teach a multilingual project five years ago. We began by teaching technology and biology in English, in addition to this, German started to be taught as a third foreign language included in the Programme for the Improvement of Teaching (PAM), with which our school has been awarded for the last four years.
The project KA1 has the following objectives:
The linguistic improvement in the English language for the teachers in the multilingual programme, and in the German language for the teacher in PAM, who is an English teacher that also teaches German.
The study and implementation of CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) methodology in the lessons of biology, technology and German.
First, we informed the teaching staff that the project KA1 had been awarded to this school and included three mobilities: two of them to study CLIL methodology in English and one to take a course in German teaching and learning.
Secondly, a selection of the participants was carried out considering the school needs and the project features. The profile of the selected teachers conformed to the following features:
-Permanent teachers in this school with a B2 level in English and German.
- Teachers taking part in European projects.
- Teachers that teach non-linguistic subjects in English and the German language.
- We informed the teaching staff, the parents association and the school council about the European project.
- We included the KA1 project in the Yearly General Programming of the school (PGA).
- We prepared and published a piece of news where we informed about the general features of the project given to the school. This news was published in the town newspaper “Sax digital” and in the region digital newspaper “Intercomarcal”
- For the correct implementation of the project, we started to work on the previous training of teachers for the courses taken in June/July 2017. The german teacher attended lessons in the Official Language School (EOI) to get a C1 level certificate in German. The biology teacher took a course to get the teaching training certificate in English. The technology teacher, who already had the teaching training certificate in English, continued practising English since he was the coordinator of a KA2 project with Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Lithuania and Greece. The German and biology teachers also took part in this KA2 project.
Since the CLIL courses that the teachers attended took place in June 2017, prior to them the teachers started to look for bibliographic references about this topic. Thanks to this material, the teachers were able to elaborate two CLIL lessons in order to have a previous knowledge of this methodology.
Later, the two mobilities to Ireland and the one to Germany took place in June/July 2017. The follow-up report of the mobilities was published in a blog created for this KA1 project. All the daily activities and experiences of the participants in the courses in Germany and Ireland can be seen at the website of the school:
After that, didactic units were elaborated by using CLIL methodology. The techniques and strategies learned at the courses were reflected in these lessons. To make the CLIL lessons available for everyone, they were uploaded in the blog of the project and the web of the school. Apart from that, we used the E-twinning platform in order to promote the dissemination and exchange of didactic resources among European teachers.
In addition to this, a workshop was offered to these teachers who are interested in CLIL methodology in our school. This workshop was evaluated by means of a questionnaire in GoogleForms which was sent to all the teachers that attended the workshop. The summary of the results of this evaluation can be seen at the blog.
In the project, we have worked on job-shadowing from two different perspectives:
-First, job-shadowing took place during the mobility in Germany. The German teacher observed lessons in a language school at different levels (A1, A2, B1).
-Second, we applied for a visiting teacher. This is a programme organised by the Ministry of Education where a foreign teacher comes to our Spanish school for job-shadowing.This way, he/she could learn about the CLIL methodology that teachers have implemented in our school after the training courses. Our school has been selected for this programme and at the moment we are looking forward to welcoming a foreign teacher in our school for this purpose.
The external dissemination has been carried out by publishing pieces of news in newspapers, both digital and paper format.
To conclude, we are talking about a long-term project, approved by the teaching staff and which is getting very positive results, especially the increasing number of students interested in the multilingual programme and in German.
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